Member Benefits
The core principle behind ROBIN is to share skills and resources across sectors for mutual benefit throughout Oxfordshire. Charities, community groups, Social Enterprises and the wider voluntary sector have been the main recipients of support, although increasingly, this has included schools and colleges too. Overwhelmingly though, those who provide the support also gain in a range of ways too.
It’s not about fundraising or donations; it’s about sharing skills and resources. Opportunities can arise for mutually beneficial sponsorships in various forms, but ROBIN was established to unlock and share under-utilised skills and resources.
That said, the process only ever works well if there is two-way benefit of some kind.
Just some of the benefits to business
- Build a closer connection with Oxfordshire’s local community
- Demonstrate that your organisation can really ‘make a difference’ and learn from others
- Availability of many staff development, engagement and team building opportunities
- Generate and share excellent PR stories about your organisation
- Fulfill corporate social responsibility objectives in an authentic way
- Connect with other like-minded businesses and organisations
- Access a wide range of opportunities to collaborate and share skills
- Improve your profile as an ’employer of choice’ with a solid corporate social responsibility track record
- Attract new clients and customers by providing evidence that you ‘walk the CSR walk’ as well as talk the talk!
- Preferential invitations to all ROBIN networking events and workshops
- Your business listed on the ROBIN website with your logo and a link directly to your website
- Permission to use the ROBIN logo on all your marketing materials
- Access to a large and growing network of like-minded contacts in your immediate locality
- Authentic and consistent association with a leading Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) network
- Opportunities to meet and connect with a wide range of Oxfordshire business contacts
- Ability to forge new and stronger links with the private sector
- Excellent PR opportunities for your organisation
- Access to a supportive network of business people who can help with specific needs and challenges
- Gain access to valuable, professional, pro bono services, resources and support
- Opportunity to collaborate with and link to other local charities and community groups
- Access to a wide range of skills and expertise
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